Data Protection & Privacy
Franssen Tolboom does not just understand sector specific regulations, but our experts are also well versed in matters which cut across sectors, such as data protection and privacy.

Handling data
Companies which are active in sectors which provide services to consumers inevitably have to process large quantities of personal data. The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) has resulted in data protection and the rights of data subjects becoming more prominent. In practice, sectoral regulatory requirements must be combined with requirements flowing from GDPR. Careful consideration must be given to how the two sets of legal obligations can be combined in practice. This is all the more the case when special categories of data are being processed; when a remote gambling licence holder processes data with a view to the duty of care to prevent gambling addiction, should this data be qualified as health data?
Handling laws
We can advise you when it comes to answering questions as to how the rights of data subjects should be balanced with your regulatory obligations. And also, should you offer services for which a licence is not required, such as promotional games of chance or games of skill.
How can we help you?
Frequently asked questions
With regards to data which is retained for the purposes of enabling compliance with regulatory requirements, the relevant retention period, and the moment from which the clock starts to tick, will be established in law. Different retention periods apply to different regulatory requirements. We can assist you in navigating through the complex web of requirements.